Wind design ethics & integrity
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Sustainable Energy Design Ethics
and sustainable ability and utilization

Wind power and wind turbines

Residential wind turbine design should incorporate singular
large turbines for community, small wind turbines for residential, the best
way to utilize sustainable wind power for home and small business
use. Large groups of turbines, when used as in over-sized
groups of (50 or more) are unnecessary, scar the landscape,
(look at large solar generating facilities), and take up too
much space. They waste landscape and are poor land planning skills.
Constructing singular, separate, large central community turbines
with respect to design, safety, land use and sustainable
community design is the prime intention for solid sustainable
strategy. Single, large central wind turbines and small individual
wind turbines are the pragmatic principle building technique for
sustainable community wind energy. Industrial wind turbine "farms"
could eliminate environmental integrity completely, look bad and
waste space and deaden environmental harmony.

Wind turbine design Vital importance of residential and community
wind turbines- Large groups of wind turbines are unsightly and
ruin land integrity waste space and sacrifice good building sustainable
New world technique must utilize community and and residential
skills. It is imperative these practices are used to direct
integrity in individualist, separate and technique.

Conservation management

Conservation management techniques and sustainable practices must utilize individuals with intensive caring concentration, insight, freedom for separate workspace, environment focus restraint nature conservation adhere to vital nature conservation technique. Forest managers and preservation lookouts provide a keen view to environmental sustainability and management techniques.

Residential and community commercial sustainable energy design ethics
New leadership will not allow large groups of wind turbines (50 or more). Sustainable building code should only allow small groups of turbines for commercial power and groups of 5 or less residential power. New code for residential and community commercial sustainable energy includes space requirements for wind turbines, solar power plants, and united integrity for land preservation and environment technique optimization.
1. Wind Power
1. Sustainable design
2. Ergonomic resonance
3. Natural material
4. Voltage techniques
5. Use flexibility

Rebuilding America
--Residential solar thermal
--post & beam, timeless designs
--Environment friendly-simple half-fences allow animal access
--Interpretive center design-open with many windows, views on all sides many large entrances
--Roof access for wildlife
--Passive heating, cooling, lighting technique

1. Wind Power
1. Sustainable design
2. Ergonomic resonance
3. New age material
4. Voltage options
5. Use flexibility

Residential Solar Power
Residential solar power can utilize residential and community level basics,
including space-efficient solar panel usage. Solar power installations should use efficiency basics integrated according to usage application. Solar roof tiles, solar glass, solar louvers, etc.,., are examples of efficient design, fossil fuel-powered
installations probably will seek alternatives when solar design is space-efficient
and usable. Large solar facilites must be replaced. Even 10 acre and
larger solar sites do not efficiently utilize land resources.
      We must look at this realistically to be confident what we are trying to accomplish and use perspective; although a big "band-aid" might "look" good on paper, it
might not be in the best interest of the land. These techniques could be utilized in every facet of alternative energy.

1. Wind Power
1. Sustainable design
2. Ergonomic resonance
3. New age material
4. Voltage options
5. Use flexibility