The end is here.
The end as we all know it is here, we must prepare our vision of perfection for the earth, the earth was not meant for "fun and games", it's importance for perseverance, desire and exaltation of the individual and the poeple "on the whole" is absolute. The poeple must strive to exalt the leaders or cease to have one. We are facing a world spiraling towards doom as ethics degrade and impatience for environmental answers loom large. Inadequate social leaders and lack of freedom of expression will doom the Earth because of argumental debate and leaders failing to take the proper steps to solve environmental problems. Individuals alone are the answer to lead. The environmental individual (the individuals answer to a better environment), how hard are you willing to think
through tough answers like what is best for everyone on earth,
to "look inside yourself". The environmental situation and solutions
to all environmental problems and possibility of all individuals as
self-sufficient. To seek why we are here, travel by foot and bikes,
alternative transportation. The earth is
really only a big "whiz"(not the "big whiz"
which is obviously
useless), the day we all "go at once" using these techniques is the
day we create "life" as we know it, all "digging" done before such
a day is a waste. The earth is basically dead or "empty", (plain,
naked eye nature). The poeple are meant to create the "life", through
integrity concepts and creation, technique, practice, seek enlightenment
-"a changing, a coming about". The aspects must be trait and intelligent,
basic logic based with absolute committment. "The Earth is a big "cookie" baby!",
it's fuckin' "heavy" no doubt about it, serious shit, experience and
realization is life. If we don't "experience" stuff we aren't alive.
Only the environment and self sufficiency are the absolute priority,
all answers hereafter come from individuals personal contribution to the
planet, how good is yours? We are all meant for travel (global), to
explore and seeking of some type. I recommend a movie with a keen
general sense, "sunchaser". For every negative thought there is a positive
one, so tough answers are worth thinking through. Deeply impacting quite possibly irrepairable damage has scarred the
environment and the Earth we strive to preserve for our generations to
come. The world nations will have to realize these environmental problems
must be solved. Natures changes will redirect storms to hit land what
was once over sea causing great hurricanes wiping out entire civilizations
and causing great grief and loss, but renewing natural balance and
restoring integrity, this is a natural phenonema. This may not happen
today, this may not happen for a hundred years, "nobody knows when
or what will happen". We must start to make positive leaps towards
securing a natural balance without wasting natural resources.
End of the auto industry
As the fossil fuel age ends, poeple are starting to ponder how the poeple will
get around. Bicycling burns off toxins built up in your system, popularity is
increasing, walking keeps you in good shape. Long treks enlight and refine
the individual. Do the poeple even need fossil fueled vehicles? If walking
doesn't satisfy, human-powered carts are good and solar-powered carts are
good transport vehicles. We ought to take a close look at present needs and
our lifestyles to determine if we really even need cars. They are destroying
the planet, polluting the air, and choking the atmosphere. We can
discover new options for a "real" earth and natural "pathways" towards a
sustainable planet, or misconceptions about the planet now. The environmental
impact of the highways by themselves have is ugly, poisonous and unnecessary.
Poeple are less patient and are artifically "queued" by the artificially
fast way they are moved by their cars. Imagine a human traveling 55 miles per
hour without the car (in a sitting position and so forth), it is not a
natural thing. As cars become less prevalent, communities will naturally
become more closely knit, walking to places is easier when villages are designed
with walking distance in perspective. Loading groceries and transporting
supplies can be done with village rickshaws or baskets, foot or human-powered
carriages. Village to village transportation utilizes trails (or even abandoned
roads) or walking or bicycles is the best real, basic, commonly overlooked
freedom. Vital importance of residential and community sustainable energy
design (wind turbines, solar energy, micro-hydro), large groups of wind turbines
waste land space and are harmful to birds. Sustainable practice must be
utilized to optimize space, environmental integrity (tract house design no
orientation with landscape). It is imperative these practices are utilized to
build with integrity and preservation techniques. The present situation
involving metals is as follows: the Earth was a naturally harmonized body
before we started digging up too many resources, so now all the natural
higher frequency harmonization has negative "wirey" impact because it is
above ground level, possibly hundreds of feet above ground level, carries with
a quite possibly negative human impact, combined with unsound resonance
(when a metal is in the ground it has a very "Earthy" resonance) is a
nightmarish "cage" waiting to "waste" humans and destroy life on Earth
(moreso in cities (industrial use)) and quite possibly affect the other planets
harmony as well. We must use sustainable materials and building practices
and conserve metal and underground resources.
Food sustainability- One possibility that exists is growing "paletable" meat-type food products out of vegetable enzymes or bacteria culture with original texture of chicken and steak. Vegetable proteins and enzymes catalyzed to make a solution could be one option. The possibility of growing meat from enzyme or bacteria sources "brings to light" an unquestionably good sustainable food source with no resource waste.
Sustainable Community Gardening- Localized, community-based, organic gardening is a important part of good communities. Commercial farming has a large negative soil impact on the environment, uses toxic pesticides degrades soil bases so severely they are unsuable or "non-arable" for many years afterwards, undermines valuable land and ability to grow new organic (non-commercial (no combines)) gardens without proper bio-degrading, rotting and compostable nutrient-rich waste. Community gardens have less environmental impact, utilize resources efficiently, and bring gardeners together to grow good food and prevent unecessary foreign species contamination. Proper composting is vital to renew soil bases. There are many ways to store and transport food, try natural sustainable options, carts, pails.
Food & Meat Industry -Wastes 96 billion pounds of food each year in the United States.
Vegan Diet ---There are many animal based additives in store products so eating 100% vegan is an accomplishment. Things to do when quitting eating meat. 1. Quit gradually if you can. 2. Be aware, beef has unnatural hormones in it. 3. Beware of "limp gut", or a weak stomach when quitting. A lot of times stomach strength might be enhanced by the the meat proteins but cause atrophy or lameness when you stop. 4. You might experience a weak stomach and bowels that are less active and work slowly "dead feeling". 5. Beware of burning sensation in gut, could lead to bowel pain.
1st time quitting meat-eating, I noticed a "limp gut" or "dead belly", stomach strength atrophied and felt lame. so-called="lilly liver", felt weak. 2nd time quitting meat-eating, I noticed a deep "lump in the throat" and hallucinations when overexerting when tired (only for the extremist).
My system seems more active and to work quieter not eating meat, it shouldn't necessarily be so because meat is harvested it is only muscle protein, be careful you never know what you are getting when are eating meat. If you are a meat-eater, get USDA prime beef, no unnatural hormones and sustainable ranching techniques. One day a week, 3 meals is sustainable diet. Quitting eating meat immediately is not for everyone, get perspective on meat industry and quit if you can. Slaughterhouse pictures might offer perspective on the meat industry. There could quite possibly be laws in some countries (including USA) against using animals for food, most importantly, do not discriminate. A sustainable food base is vitally important, necessary to survival and a self-sufficient community and evolution.
Composting your food waste is equally important. It makes rich fertilizer for your garden, preserves garbage from landfills and proper food for beneficial garden animals. Local organic food supply averts areas from foreign seed and the embodied energy used to transport out-of-area products is lessened, more efficient and forges strong village ethics. Enlightenment and insight to new alternatives from local source. Centralized indoor gardens also might utilize reflective lighting and "passive" ventilation.
Preservation of nature Preservation of nature means eliminating confusion of and myths concerning gaining wisdom from nature itself. Natures symbols could be eliminated as they only add to confusion and "native "superstition"". No unordinary wisdom or insight can be gained from nature for too many misconceptions undermine its stark natural beauty. Only to look, walk amongst, and experience the sights, sound, and survive on the planet and respect nature through self-suffiency and ethical practice. Strict preservation laws must be forged and maintained to clean any evidence of "native nature-attached or nature-based symolism, or likeness teaching ("he is fast, like the fox"). Past symbols of nature must be destroyed, "Kahuna" "totem poles" "catholisism" and religious symbols must be destroyed to free nature and the environment, using these for protection purposes is a losing and encumbering practice. We must break down native myths and symbols, local misconceptions and myths regarding non-existent "animals or monsters" and other unnecessary native ideas in order to create one single humanity and preserve the environment, to teach the children co-existence, and to provide outlets to travel worldwide as individuals through based ethics and practice as wee are all meant to do, explore our earth, and learn as we walk. Remaining to regard a natural environment seek what is to live for, achieve and move onward. --Animal preservation --Intentively separate any possible control of nature and human animal "relationship" --Preservation of nature through preserving nature integrity and and wild lands --Simple animal behavior-providing outlets for animal freedom access, routes to waterways, city planning to integrate --
Earthships Earthships are an insightful idea for sustainable design and a marquee for sound (or resonant) design. They utilize recycled material, local rock and cistern integration. These houses are a pragmatic, liberal prototype for sustainable design. Bold individuals without for nature preservationist ideals and stonch ethics for building design are a striking comparison to the general "tract house" consumer. These earthships utilize good solar orientation and landscape command. -Recyclability and sustainability is a necessity when Earth is "comes first". Keep in mind (think about) what kind of land we are building for children, and our children's children.
Product Design Integrity The importance of efficient products is vital to our survival, sustainability and evolution. Building of sacrifice fossil fuel power plants undermines environmental integrity, abuses precious dwindling resources, and wastes life and land. New sustainable products are insightful options to avert industry failures like fossil fuel plastic (biodegradable or not).
Unnatural organic compounds Breaking down simple organic compounds. A lye/fruit solution is one possibly simple way to break down unnatural organic compounds including plastic. Chemical compounds like soap, plastic and so on might be broken down using a simple lye solution. Hydro-flouric acid is another possibility to break down chemical compounds.
The importance of efficient products is vital to survival, sustainability and evolution. Building of new fossil fuel power plants undermines environmental integrity, abuses precious dwindling resources, and wastes life and land.
This is only a comparison.
Americans see themselves as a proud, caring, intense and hard working poeple with strong beliefs in the ability of "everyone" and the guidance to back them up. Unfortunately they use more resources, land, oil, eat more and waste more than any race in the world.
The average american (USA resident)
The average american: -uses 1040 gallons of gasoline per year -eats 30 lbs. of cheese per year -eats 140 lbs. of potatoes per year -eats 18 lbs. fresh tomatoes per year -eats 263 eggs per year
280 million tons of paper this year. -uses 1040 gallons of gasoline per year -eats 30 lbs. of cheese per year -eats 140 lbs. of potatoes per year -eats 18 lbs. fresh tomatoes per year -eats 245 chicken eggs per year
-eats 8 lbs. of carrots -eats 8 lbs. rice per year -eats 18 lbs. turkey per year -eats 253 lbs. of meat per year -eats 100 lbs. of beef each year -eats 1,395 lbs. of corn per year -eats 19 lbs. of apples per year -eats 1.8 gallons of wine per year -eats 8 lbs. of grapes per year -eats 16lbs. of onions per year -eats 25 lbs. bananas per year -eats 25 lbs. of lettuce per year -eats 168 lbs. sugar per year -eats 5.3 gallons orange juice per year -eats 130 lbs. flour per year -eats 15 lbs. of butter per year -eats 91.5 lbs. of oranges per year -eats 18 lbs. of fresh tomatoes per year -eats 49 lbs. of potatoes per year -eats 80 lbs. tomatoes each year -eats 14 lbs. of broccoli per year -the average American uses 12 gallons of water while showering -drinks 20 gallons of coffee per year -eats 52 lbs. of pork per year -drinks 50 gallons of soda per year -eats 50 lbs. of tomatoes per year -eats 168 lbs. of sugar per year -eats 1.3 lbs. of honey per year -eats 240 lbs. of milk per year -eats 15 lbs. of turkey each year -eats 15 lbs. of seafood each year -eats 59 lbs. of chicken each year -eats 260 lbs. of soy per year -eats 16 lbs. of fish each year -produces 160 lbs. of trash each year -eats 6 lbs. of peanuts -eats 140 lbs. potatoes per year -eats 18 lbs. onions per year -eats 12 lbs. peanuts per year -eats 23 quarts ice cream per year -eats 53 lbs. bread per year -eats 6 lbs. potato chips per year -eats 5 lbs. yogurt per year -uses 86.2 gallons of water per day -consumes 700 pounds of paper -the average american drinks 54 gallons of soda pop per year -the average American spends 90% of his or her time indoors -eats 1,500 pounds of food per year -uses about 25 gallons of toxic products per year in their home -drinks 28 gallons of beer -drinks 883 ounces of alcohol per year -the average american drinks 2 gallons of wine per year -american smoker smokes 30 cigarettes per day -makes 1,859 pounds of air pollution per year -the average american drives 9,000 miles per year -consumes 230 times as much gasoline as the average indian -uses 20 pounds of coal per day -uses 889,000 Btu's (british thermal units) -uses 57 sheets of toilet paper per day -uses 1,000 gallons of oil per year -produces 1,460 lbs. of trash each year -the average american household has 5 televisions -the average american spends 1,560 hours per year watching tv -the average american buys five pairs of shoes per year -the average american reads less than one book pe year -the average American citizen consumes the equivalent of 1,722 gallons of oil -the average American spends 3.5 hours every day watching television, -the average American consumes five times more than a Mexican, ten times more than a Chinese person, and 30 times more than a person from India -the average american owns 14 pairs of shoes -watches 2643 hours of television per year
---the average american 130 pounds of food waste per person annually
---2002 World population, 6,224,599,878 humans (poeple)---
---world was producing 90 million metric tons of printing and writing paper and 36 million metric tons of newspaper
---Global Paper and Paperboard Production Total 331 million tons in 2002
---May 2003 Crude oil production, 30,996,000 barrels per day
---2001 World Coal Production, 5,266.01 Million Short Tons ---2001 US coal production in million of tons: 1,121 --50% of the world's wood production is burned. --Paper production, 280 million tons (2001).
--World ink production- 267 million tons of ink
--World synthetic bleach production- 44.5 millions tons
---2001 U.S. coal production, 1.118 billion tons
Fossil Fuel Production ---May 2003 Crude oil production, 30,996,000 barrels per day ---2002 OPEC Crude oil production 280,733,000 barrels ---2002 crude oil production 684,714,634 barrels crude oil ---2001 World oil production 35,849,000,000 tons
---2000 World Crude Oil Production, 68,103,000 barrels per day. ---1999 World Total 74,905,000 barrels per day barrels per day. ---December 2002 22,850,000 barrels per day (OPEC)
---2002 World natural gas production 2527.6 billion cubic metres. ---2001 World natural gas production 2493.3 billion cubic metres. ---2000 World natural gas production 2435.7 billiob cubic metres ---1999 World Natural Gas 84,196 billion cubic feet ---US natural gas production in 1998 was 19 trillion cubic feet
---2002 World coal production 2379.4 million tons ---2001 World coal production 2239.1 million tons ---2001 World Coal Production, 5,266.01 Million (Short Tons) ---2000 World coal production 2130.1 million tons ---1999 World coal production 2139.1 million tons ---1999 World Coal Production Total 4,737,000,000 (short tons)
Fossil Fuel Plastic Production
--- 2001 U.S. plastic production, 101,109,000,000 pounds. ---World PS (polystyrene) production, 19.2 million metric tons, 1996. ---USA 24.2 million tons plastic manufactured, 1999. ---World PVC (poly-vinyl chloride) plastic production, 25,785,000 tons, 2000. ---World HDPE (high density polyethylene) and LLDPE plastic production, 25,600,000 tons, 1998. ---World PETE (poly-ethylene terephthatlate) plastic production, 25,900,000 tons, 2001. ---USA 2001 PVC production 7,128,500 tons. ---USA 2001 HDPE production 7,648,000 tons. ---USA 2001 LDPE production 3,848,500 tons. ---USA 2001 PP production 7,967,000 tons. ---USA 2001 PS production 3,057,000 tons. ---USA 2001 LLDPE production 5,136,000 tons.
Rock and Stone ---2001 World salt production 214 million metric tons ---2000 World salt production 214 million metric tons <---World marble production 250 million tons of marble.>
Food Waste
--96 billion pounds of food waste each year in the United States. Vegan Diet --Animals killed 2001 U.S. 41.6 million cows, 118 million pigs, 4.2 million sheeps and lambs, 8,902 million chickens, 450 million Hens, 309 million Turkeys, 27.7 million Ducks taken for food in the U.S. in 2001. --2001 World animals killed for food-- 47.9 Billion. 301 million cows, 102 billion pigs, 788 million sheeps and goats and 45.6 billion birds. --Over 220 million cows are killed each year (world), quitting meat eating spares animals lives.
Vegan Diet
Things to look look for when quitting eating meat. 1. Quit gradually if you cannot quit immediately. 2. Be aware, beef has unnatural hormones in it. 3. Beware of "limp gut", or a weak stomach when quitting. A lot of times stomch strength might be enhanced by the the meat proteins but cause atrophy or lameness when quitting. 4. You should get a weak stomach and bowels, less active, slow. 5. Increase protein intake, protein powder starches, nuts high in protein. 6. Beware of burning sensation in gut, bowel pain.
Quitting meat-eating, I noticed a "limp gut" or "dead belly", stomach strength atrophied and felt lame. so-called="lilly liver". Noticed a deep "lump in the throat" and hallucinations when overexerting when tired. The stomach will probably be more active, work a lot better when not eating meat.
Building Materials Production
---World Paint consumption- 1 billion, 1 hundred & thirty-five million gallons per year. Paint uses refined oil products. ---World Rubber consumption, 194,000,000 tons per year. America imports most of its natural rubber from S.E. Asia. Synthetic rubber uses refined oil products. ---United States drywall (gypsum board) production, 266,000,000 tons each year. Sheetrock or drywall uses gypsum for its production, an uncommon resource found only a few places on earth.
---2002 World population, 6,224,599,878 poeple.
--World paint and coating consumption, 26 million tons per year 2001
--Construction paper (roofing paper, gypsum board, insulation, flooring, padding and sound-absorbing materials) consumption, 1.5 million tons. global gypsum production 106 million tons in 2000 --U.S., 15 million tons of new gypsum board per year. --World wood production, 3250 million metric tons (1997).
--2001 World paper and paperboard production 318,033,000 tons.
2002 world production of refined copper exceeded consumption by 207,000 tons ---World iron production, 542 million tons, (year 2001).
---World steel production 2002, 903 million tons ---World steel production 2001, 837,852,040.81 metric tons
---World steel production 2000, 788 million metric tons.
---Concrete production, 394,000,000 cubic yards per year.
---2001 U.S. production of primary aluminum totalled 2,636,955 metric tons.
---Aluminum production, 23.9 million tons per year.
---World cement production, 1.56 billion metric tons per 3 months.
---World paper and paperboard production 2001, 316 million tons.
---World, writing and reading paper production 1997, is 90 million metric tons. (1997).
---World newspaper production, 36 million metric tons (year 1997). 1999 US paper and paperboard production 96.5 million tons ---Americans use more than world average, need more efficient products, community organizations and grass-roots political involvement concerning the environment.
---World Gold Production, for jewelry, 3204 tons in 2001.
---World Silver Production, 1880.6 tons in 2000. Global silver production 585.9 Moz in 2000 World copper production 15.47 million metric tons in 2001. --World copper production 15.47 million metric tons in 2001 ---World Copper Production, 13.7 million metric tons 2000.
Widely overused clothing materials: -Cotton -Polyester -Spandex (petroleum based) -Nylon (petroleum based) -Leather (animal product) -Synthetic Rubber (petroleum based) -Wool (animal product) Animal Death ---1997 World Mink production 26,295,000 pelts per year. ---286,600 American black Bears in United States, 500,000 at one time(2002) ---65 million Bison at one time in North America, now only 50,000 ****The deer population is higher than ever. ****1,330 Grizzly bears left in North America ****2000 Grey wolves in Minnesota, 150 in Michigan, 75 in Montana, 85 in Yellowstone, 75 in Idaho and 5,000 in Alaska. 200,000 at one time. ****The waterfowl population is higher than ever ****Nature unbalanced, unbalance nature affects community, animal populations unbalanced.
Controlling Nature Controlling nature is the single most devastating thing we can do to the environment. I have experienced noticing/watching animals change according to unnatural human control. Controlling animals or "assuming" likeness to them is underming animal integrity, directing them though reaction is undermining animal life and animal cruelty. Animals sometimes die just from human contact. We must use care in natural environments. Assuming animals think is undermining nature, bad preservation technique. We must use care to preserve nature and let them strive without assuming too much characteristically from them.
Dogs (canines only) Dogs were bred from wolves by humans. A Wolf is a wild animal. Domesticated dogs can be sterilized(but normal sexual activity should be preserved) to prevent overpopulation and utilize a sustainable level (6,000,000 or less). Killing stray and sick dogs and regulating owner care is necessary for health purpose.
Cats Cats (felines only) were bred from wildcats by humans. A Wildcat is a wild animal. Domesticated cats can be sterilized(but normal sexual activity should be preserved) to prevent overpopulation and utilize a sustainable level (6,000,000 or less). Killing sick stray cats and regulating owner care is necessary for health purpose.
-Recyclability and sustainability is important, Earth first.
Unecessary Holiday Waste ---Christmas waste in the United States of America ---Christmas causes an astounding amount of waste- 50 million extra trees cut down for christmas every year. ---2.65 billion extra cards for Christmas. ---4.4 extra KWH of lighting per house for christmas. ---2002-20 billion pieces of mail this holiday season ---2002-busiest day- 850 million pieces of mail
---33-35 million christmas trees for 2002 Mother's Day Waste 500 million phone calls billions of cards Easter Waste
--Food sustainability A sustainable diet is one of the most important parts of a sustainable society. Meat industry is large and unecessary. One possible meat alternative is growing meat-type food products from vegetable enzymes or bacteria culture. Original taste and texture like chicken and steak is definitely possible. Vegetable proteins and enzymes catalyzed to make a solution could be one option. The possibility of growing meat from such enzymes or bacteria sources is an unquestionably good sustainable food source with no resource waste and uncecesssary animal harvest.
Genetically Modified Organisms- Don't get too frightened if you eat something that is genetically modified, everyone has natural recooperative powers and GMO currently only increases toxicity to make plants hardier or resistance to bugs. Do the smart thing and secure some organic or Non-GMO seed, get organic foods and save the seeds, and grow GMO-free food in an indoor garden. GMO is unecessary and a detriment to seed origin and integrity. Don't support GMO if you respect our nature, and don't assume there is a good reason for accepting it.
Bio-degradeable product design- Vegetable/fruit-based products One of the most important considerations concerning communities today is waste management. Most plastics take 25-50 years to even start breaking down chemically and without treatment will never breakdown completely (to their origins), unless there are dug up and treated, whilst they abuse landfill space and poison animals.
Vegetable-resin compounds can replace plastics if designed correctly (with bio-degradation designed into product). If these compounds are designed with bio-degradability environmental impact could be reduced to a sustainable level. Unecessary "greed" for "last a lifetime" products would give way to environmentally friendly products that bio-degrade naturally with replacement. Metals could be reduced greatly with respect to usage and community involvement for usability.
Universal CAD machines Well designed machine with CAD (computer aided design) can produce universal designs for tools, machines, etc.,. from simple cellulose mixtures. Hemp or vegetable stock mixed with plant oils and wood resins and gums can be durable and virtually enviromental-impact free, and useable for many different designs.
Metals will be reduced in usage as well as new materials become available. Recycled metals can be recycled or broken down into base metals or ores, ground up and "salted" or powdered back into original mining areas, recovered with original soil or rock ore base and put back in original form.
Hemp or vegetable-based products for use as building materials is a good replacement for non-renewable resource based supplies. Natural paint made from plant bases could save processing costs and provide a non-toxic alternative to regular chemical based paint. Look for "eco" products. Vegetable waste such as corn stalks, vegetable and fruit waste will be good replacements for out of state lumber and will serve well raw or chopped pressed into fiberboard, framing lumber, insulation, flooring, roofing, drywall substitute or decking material. Glass and nail replacement is possible. Use your imagination, all sorts of other possibilities lay at your feet in the foreground to making this a sustainable world.
Whitewashing the general public
Widely overused products "whitewash" the general public into overlooking sustainable alternatives. Assuming cotton is "good enough" is wrong. It is widely overused and wasting land resource. Cotton, polyester, nylon and leather are specifically a few of many overused clothing material products. Seek alternatives. Plywood, metal framing, and overuse of concrete, asbestos and ashphalt roofing insulation building materials are few of many unsustainable products that could be replaced by sustainable non-overused materials. Many alternatives for clothing exist including corn, hemp, and many vegetable-based resources. There are many different usable products and discovering usable alternatives is a natural choice. More money put into commonly overused products means less insightfulness or in alternative products we could make better. Alternatives when brought about by the individual is an experience for the individual and has a positive effect on the whole. Learning to make real new alternatives and opportunities alone reinforces the individuals ability to survive and make good sustainable products. Alternatives to common unrenewable, unsustainable products, utilizing sustainable basics to create new products for general use and postive "exalted industry" (see GIN-Green Information Network), is sustainability.
Change your path forever, and realize what could be instead of accepting the normal and what we all could be as common poeple, individuals with our insight freed but separate entities.
Resonant frequency<>
All things have a resonant frequency, or "sound". All these frequencies affect nature. For example, the "resonant" sound of tin contains a unique certain sound wave, or frequency. Frequencies have an effect on everyone. An item doesn't have to be metallic to contain a frequency, even dirt or mud has a unique "sound". Frequencies are possibly hurtful to poeple and animals and it would be a good solution to build "resonantly sound" products. Products that contain a there unique resonancy. It is also good to have basic frequencies from natural materials because the more the better and building many resonant things together creates good nature. Natural materials built with solid wood-ported enclosures ensure separation from sound "hollows" created by inadequately built machines and products. Testing is possible. Get a sound tester or frequency modulation device available at an electronics store. Remember, the using free energy is illegal and a human rights violation. And with it carries implied negative impact raping the souls of the damned. So be nice. Get a frequency sump.
Ingredient listing It is of vital importance to check the food stuff you buy to make sure the labeling is up to government standards, it should have a list of ingredients, even water. Even water could be poisoned, this is a simple thing that is easy to do and ensures product safety and professional standard. A sustainable food base is vital to survival and an asset to our livelyhood. Don't accept "contains" instead of ingredients (eg. "Crystal Geyser"), this is decieving and not up to government standards. Don't accept anything differing from ingredients listing, companies put many different things in food products, even dog meat. Government standard mandates ingredient listing to be positive of safe food ingredients, assumably not everyone has time to check company information and should not be required to do so, only time to read ingredients listing, we can't all write letters to food companies requesting ingredients. This is a great asset to the poeple and should be overseen. Ingredient listing should be straightforward. Ingredient listing does not damage propietary information. Obviously companies have their own "mix" or recipe, ingredient listing is only ingredients, not recipe information.
Luckily, we have ingredients listing for most products, unfortunately, food additives are hard to identify and often come from animal or chemical compound sources. The internet is a good information source for this. These can be easily identified and avoided. Some of these (little noticed food additives) have serious side effects. -Listings are available on the world wide web (such as Yahoo), do a search for "food additives list B phosphate", "vegetarian network animal derived".
-Many vitamins (B vitamins used for enriching bread flour) are made from animal sources, meaning they harvest them from the animal during slaughter (cows guts & intestines) (bacterias for yogurt and milk also), so make sure you get the ones that are made from vegetable source if you are vegan.
-Many 'amino acids' are made from animals sources. (lysine=casein, blood) Amino acids=cysteine, lysine, etc.,.)
--Sustainable Medicine
---Techniques used for sustainable "natural" medicine include herbal and vegetable curatives. Necessary application is important. The internet and non biased reference is the best educational resource for herbal remedies, so studying these yourself is the best option. Starting slow is most important to notice small changes. "Lean out" your system.
This site is provided free of charge on a non-profit basis as a information resource
This website designed and created by MIKA ENGELHARDT
    